Seeing the Tour De France in person has been one of my life goals for a while now. As a huge cycling fan, it is the biggest race on the calendar and something you absolutely must do! When I found out the Tour would depart from Utrecht in 2015, there was no way I was …
Travelling to the Puerto Princesa Subterranean River is something I would highly recommend while you are in the Philippines. This is one of the best things to do in Palawan, perhaps the best island in the Philippines! Palawan is also home to amazing places such as El Nido, Coron Island, and Honda Bay. But, perhaps …
Cliff diving at Ariel’s Point was one of the best things I did while in the Philippines. I previously mentioned Ariel’s Point in my post on Boracay. It is one of my favourite places in the Philippines and I highly recommend going there! Before I arrived in Boracay I had no idea about this place, …
I was watching The Hobbit the other night when I suddenly realised that the film related a lot to my travelling. This should be obvious, considering one of the main premises of the films is travelling across the fictional land of Middle Earth. However, I had never viewed it in that way before, I had just taken …
Returning home after travelling is probably the hardest part of travelling. Basically, because it has finished and you are on longer on the road. Personally, I have now returned home twice from year-long trips and I can say that the first time was harder than the second. Mainly because I knew what to expect come …
There are lots of reasons to go travelling: However, perhaps the old cliche, that people go travelling to find themselves, is foremost in people’s minds. This is usually thrown at people as a way of deriding them for travelling. As if they should already know who they are before they set off on their adventures! …
Learning how to cope with long haul flights is one of the essential parts of travelling. If you’ve been backpacking for a while, then chances are you’ve been on a few of these flights and know exactly what I mean! The definition of a long haul flight is one that takes 6 to 12 hours …
Staying in a hostel is inevitable if you are travelling, unless, of course, you’re mega-rich! Often referred to as backpackers, there are quite a few differences between a hostel and a hotel! Invariably staying at a hostel means sharing a room known as a dorm. Depending on the hostel you are staying at, the dorm …