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30 BEST Travel Gifts

Choosing the best travel gifts can be a difficult task. By nature, or maybe just by my nature, travelers tend to have less attachment to material goods.

With that said, there are certain that can make your life much easier while travelling.

Whether it was backpacking in New Zealand or living in Spain, there were a few items that I came across that make great travel gift ideas for long-term travelers!

I know that most travelers don’t want to pay crazy sums for a gift. Nor should you!

Your money would be better spent on a trip! That’s why this list is composed of gifts for people who travel and are reasonably priced, with the odd exception, if you want to splurge!

I have scoured my backpack and brain to come up with some of the best gifts for travelers for special people or person in your life!

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Best Travel Gift Ideas 2024

Antique Globe

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02/14/2025 07:06 am GMT

An antique globe isn’t a gift you can take travelling, but it’s a nice one to have at your desk while you’re at home!

If you are like me, and you have a fascination with maps, you’ll love this globe!

Spinning the globe around eyeing up the different countries is a great way to inspire wanderlust.

I like this item, as it’s a visual reminder of all the places you can visit, that you haven’t yet.

It reminds me that the world is a big place and I’ve only scratched the surface of it so far! I also like how it looks on my desk!

It’s one of the best gift ideas if you’re stuck on what to get!

Bagsmart Electronic Organiser

If you’re looking for a travel gift for digital nomads, the Bagsmart Electronic Organiser is a great idea!

Travelling long-term can entail taking a few electronic items along with you. A laptop, phone, tablet and even a camera.

All of these items require charging and that can mean a mass of cables in your backpack, which takes up space and a pain to untangle.

The Bagsmart Electronic Organiser allows you to place them all together neatly in one bag! Think of it as packing cubes for your electrical goods.

This will free up more space in your backpack and keep your cables tangle-free and ensure they last longer too!

Bobby Anti-theft Backpack

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02/14/2025 07:06 am GMT

The Bobby Anti-theft Backpack is hands-down one of the best gifts for people who travel!

This backpack is perfect for long-term travellers, especially those of you going to Europe, where pickpocketing is rife.

I nearly got pickpocketed while I was living in Barcelona.

The guy had the zip to my bag halfway open before I realised what was going on and pushed him away.

If I had the Bobby anti-theft backpack with me, he wouldn’t have got anywhere near my valuables!

The backpack conceals the zips, making it virtually impossible for a pickpocketer to succeed.

There are also several hidden compartments you can use to store your valuables away from prying hands!

I would go as far as to say, this bag is a must if you’re serious about keeping your possessions safe. The peace of mind it will give is worth the price alone!

Camera Tripod

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02/14/2025 07:22 am GMT

If you know someone who is a budding photographer, then the Joby Gorilla Tripod is one of the best travel gift ideas!

The tripod is handy, as it doesn’t weigh too much, and it has the strength to hold larger cameras as well.

The adjustable base means that it has more flexibility than the standard tripod.

You can attach it to various positions to help you get some memorable shots!

Compression socks

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02/14/2025 05:38 am GMT

One of the best items you can have if you do a lot of flying is a pair of compression socks. They are an item that has to be part of your long-haul essentials!

Sitting for a long time is not good for your legs as blood builds up in your calves. If you have an existing condition such as Deep Vein Thrombosis, this can be dangerous if you’re on the plane for hours.

Compression socks help to promote blood flow in your legs, pushing the blood upwards, instead of it collecting in your lower legs.

If you know someone who is a frequent flyer, or who is going on a long-haul journey, this is an air travel gift they will be extremely grateful to have!

Crumpled maps

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02/14/2025 06:44 am GMT

If you’ve ever gone to a new city and got one of those paper maps from the tourist information centre, you’ll know how annoying it is to try and keep them in good shape.

After using them a few times, the paper starts to cut, the creases deepen and it just becomes a nuisance to carry around.

Well, now there is an alternative. These crumpled maps are made of a soft texture, which allows you to screw the map into whatever shape you want and not lose any of the original integrity!

It’s an ideal gift for anyone who is travelling to a major city for the first time and wants a reliable and durable map!


This is one of the pricier items I was talking about. Unfortunately, drones are not cheap! It’s one of the unique travel gifts that costs a bit extra!

If they were I would have bought one long ago. They provide you with the opportunity to take some truly stunning photos from a birds-eye perspective.

You can also use them to produce beautiful videos that could potentially go viral and more than repay your initial investment!

Or you could just buy it so you can fly it around and have hours of fun!

Whatever floats your boat!

Eco Water Bottle

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02/14/2025 08:31 pm GMT

An Eco water bottle is the perfect gift for a long-term traveller.

Travelling changed my perspective on plastic pollution when I saw how big a problem it is firsthand. Buying bottled water every time you travel to a new destination is bad for two reasons.

Let me explain:

Firstly, you are contributing to the mountain of plastic waste that is finding its way into the oceans every year. Secondly, you’re wasting money which could be better spent.

Travelling with a water bottle will save you money in the long run. All you need to do is fill it up before you go out for a day and refill it when you run out!

This will help the environment and prevent more plastic waste from ending up in landfill or oceans!

Go Pro

A Go Pro is one of the best travel gifts for adventurers! It’s a small, reliable camera that can be used in a variety of ways.

No wonder it’s a favourite of adventurous travellers!

The advantages of a GoPro are numerous. They are compact, almost indestructible and they are remarkably easy to use.

Even my technophobe mum can use one with relative ease!

But wait, there are more benefits!

A Go Pro will survive being submerged in a maximum of 30 feet of water, while it has a nifty image stabilisation feature too.

If you’re an adventure lover, you need a Go Pro, it’s as simple as that!


A hammock is one of the most fun travel gifts for backpackers

Let me explain:

You may think there aren’t many opportunities to use a hammock while you’re travelling.

Well, you’d be wrong!

There are ample opportunities to use one. You can use it at the beach, in the back of a beautiful AirBnB you’re staying at. Even while camping, you could set it up.

This hammock is lightweight and doesn’t take up too much space in your luggage.

It’s made from Nylon and is super strong while maintaining comfort. It even has a little pouch to store items such as sunglasses or a water bottle!

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02/14/2025 06:43 am GMT

When I went backpacking in Australia, I neglected to pack my hard drive. This was my first backpacking trip.

I naively thought I wouldn’t have much need for it. I would be out exploring and seeing things, rather than watching movies.

Well, I was half-right.

A year is a long time. You’re not always going to be out and about exploring.

There are days when you don’t want to do anything and just lounge about and watch TV.

If you have a hard drive you can do this, by watching whatever TV show or film you want.

You could even use it to store your photos if they’re taking up too much space.

A hard drive is one of the best gifts for people going travelling you can buy!


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02/14/2025 06:37 am GMT

I love flip-flops!

If I could wear flip-flops all the time without being judged, I would!

The problem is, not all flip-flops are equal. When I was deciding what to pack for Australia, I found this out to my cost!

I packed a pair of cheap flip-flops thinking they would last me the whole trip. Two months later, they broke! I couldn’t believe it!

Since then, I have only bought Havaianas.


It’s simple, they last a long time! I’ve had my current pair for two years and they show no signs of giving up.

They may cost a bit more than other flip-flops, but it’s an investment you won’t regret!


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02/14/2025 05:38 am GMT

If there is one thing that frustrates the life out of me when I travel, it’s the fact that I can’t carry books around with me.

I found this out to my cost when I was backpacking Australia!

As a voracious reader, I kept on buying and buying books. Before I knew it, I had ten books with me, taking up space in my backpack.

I couldn’t bring myself to leave them anywhere. Eventually, I sent them home when I got a job in Melbourne. I still had to carry them around for three months beforehand!

That’s why I strongly recommend you invest in a Kindle. I love the smell and feeling of holding a book in my hands. But, it’s simply inconvenient to carry them around while travelling.

A Kindle is much more travel-friendly and is a fantastic travel gift idea for anyone who loves to read and live out of a suitcase!


A MacBook is an ideal high-end travel gift that any backpacker or frequent traveler would love.

The MacBook is a powerful laptop that is ideal for people who are travelling for the long term and need to work or stay in touch with loved ones at home.

It’s also lightweight, durable and portable which means it can fit easily into your backpack without taking up too much space.

A MacBook is one of the best laptops you can buy and it would be an excellent gift for most travellers!

Lifeproof Waterproof case

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02/14/2025 06:43 am GMT

This is one of the best travel gift ideas! I’ve been unfortunate enough to crack the screen on my iPhone twice while travelling.

Both times it cost me a lot to repair.

Why Apple can’t develop a phone that doesn’t need an extra case is beyond me! Sleek designs are nice, but if the phone is too fragile it negates the benefits.

A Lifeproof case is essential if you want to protect your phone while travelling.

It will prevent your phone from being damaged, ensuring you can whip your iPhone out without any worries!


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02/14/2025 07:11 am GMT

This is the perfect gift for the more adventurous traveller.

Here’s why:

The Lifestraw was developed to allow you to drink water from any source.

The straw acts as a filter, removing any harmful bacteria from the water which allows you to drink the water without fear of contamination.

This could be a potentially life-saving item to have with you if you’re in a remote area. It’s one of the best gifts for hikers because if you’re stranded in a remote area without access to water, you can use it to drink from streams or any source of water you find!

If you know somebody who loves to venture to remote destinations, this is a perfect and potentially life-saving gift that they would receive with open arms!

Map Whiskey Glass

A Map whiskey glass is an ideal Christmas gift for a traveller who loves a good glass of bourbon or whiskey.

There are four glasses which have a world map etched on the outside.

If the person you’re buying them for has a home, they are an ideal gift.

Even if they don’t drink whiskey, they can still use them to drink water or Coca-Cola!

Noise-cancelling headphones

There’s no getting away from it, travelling can be noisy. Whether you’re on a plane, or train, or you’re in a crowded cafe trying to work, the world is a noisy place.

Even if you have headphones in, noise often creeps through and disturbs you. That’s why it’s a good idea to have a pair of noise-cancelling headphones.

They cancel out any background noise you may hear allowing you to listen to your music or podcast in peace and enjoy your surroundings.

This is an ideal gift for anyone who travels frequently and goes to busy cities such as London and New York!

RFID-blocking wallet

An RFID-blocking wallet may be a surprising gift idea for travellers, but it has its benefits!

You may not be aware of this, but your credit cards can be scanned remotely through your wallet.

This was a shock to me at first, luckily, there is an easy way to prevent this.

Simply buying a wallet that is RFID-blocking will protect your cards from thieves and the nice design means it’s one of the best gifts for business travelers.

As someone that has had close calls with thieves while travelling, you can never be too careful!

My RFID-blocking wallet comes with me on every trip!

Portable charger

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02/14/2025 06:37 am GMT

This is an essential item while travelling, and is a great gift for people who travel.

Virtually everyone travels with electrical items nowadays. If you’re not, you must be stuck in the Stone Age!

A portable charger is necessary to keep all your items fully charged while you’re on the go.

You never know when you might run out of battery on your phone.

The ability to charge your phone could be potentially life-saving.

Who knows when you might have to use your phone for an emergency!

Carrying a portable charger around will prevent this eventuality. This one pictured is small and won’t take up too much in your bag!

Portable speaker

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A portable speaker is a handy item to have while you’re travelling.

It’s a brilliant item to take to the beach, where you can pump out your tunes as you relax in the sun.

You can also use it as a speaker if you’re on a road trip and don’t want to use the battery on your car.

The UE Wonderboom is a good choice, as it’s waterproof and durable which means it will survive being stowed away for long periods!

It could also come in handy if you want to play some tunes at your hostel before you go out for a few drinks!

It’s an ideal gift for long-time travellers who like to have a good time!

Portable washbag

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02/14/2025 06:56 am GMT

It wasn’t until I did my working holiday in Australia, that I came across this item.

I took my toiletries in one bag with a zip on the top. Little did I know, it would be extremely frustrating trying to rifle my way through the bag late at night.

I noticed a lot of travellers had these bags that had various compartments, which kept their toiletries in separate compartments. It was a revelation!

A portable washbag allows you to keep all your toiletries organised and in separate compartments for easy access.

It’s much more convenient and is one of the best gifts for people going travelling!

Osprey Farpoint 40 L

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02/14/2025 07:11 am GMT

The Osprey Farpoint 40 L is one of the top travel backpacks money can buy, which makes it one of the best gifts for overseas travel!

One of the best features of the bag is that it’s front-loading instead of top-loading.

This means that you can access your clothes without having to rifle through the top of the backpack which is the case with other bags.

The Osprey Farpoint is a bag that can be used as a carry-on for short trips and longer trips.

It’s a versatile, sturdy and comfortable backpack that any traveller would love to receive as a gift!

Scratch off travel map

A scratch-off travel map is a great gift for travellers!

This map allows you to track the countries you’ve visited by scratching them off as you go.

Simply stick it on your wall, scratch off the countries you’ve already visited and you’re done.

I find it’s a good way to inspire further wanderlust, as you have a visual reminder of places you’ve not yet been to!

Scrubba Portable Laundry System

One of the most frustrating things about travelling is washing your clothes. In some places, it’s not too bad.

When I was in Australia and New Zealand, all the hostels had washing machines. There was no issue with washing my clothes.

This was not the case when I was backpacking in the Philippines. I had to use local launderettes and services to keep my clothes fresh!

I wish I had known about the Scrubba Portable Laundry System back then!

It’s remarkably easy to use. All you do is fill the bag up, put your clothes in and rub the bag for a couple of minutes.

It’s a lightweight laundry bag and doesn’t take up too much space in your bag. I’ll be taking this with me on all future trips for sure!

The Scrubba Portable Laundry System is one of the most unique travel gifts I’ve come across. I’ll be taking this with me on all future trips for sure!

Swiss Army knife

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02/14/2025 06:03 am GMT

This is an underrated item to include on your travels, but it can be a vitally important one!

A Swiss Army knife is a highly versatile tool that can double up as several items.

If you need to cut something or unscrew something it can help you do that.

It would make an ideal gift for a long-term traveller.

Travel Journal

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02/14/2025 07:26 am GMT

A travel journal is one of the best cute travel gift ideas for travellers they will love.

Travelling with a journal is a great way to keep track of your travels and jot down any random thoughts you may have in your hotel room while you’re on the road.

The journal is durable with a thick Moleskine cover and thick pages which ensure it will last while you’re travelling around.

The notebook has an elastic closure band and inner storage pages.

While there are also detachable packing lists, daily planning sections and budget pages too!

Travel Sewing Kit

A Travel Sewing Kit is one of the most underrated travel gifts.

Here’s why:

Rips and tears are quite common while travelling. They are really annoying and more often than not, it means you have to replace the item in question.

Having a sewing kit handy is the perfect way to remedy this. This gift will allow the traveller in your life to fix whatever tear they have and save money in the process!

It’s a small and unconventional gift, but one that will repay itself over and over again!

Trtl Travel Pillow

I’m sure you’re familiar with those clunky-looking U-shaped pillows that a lot of travellers have on long-haul flights.

Well, the Trtl Travel Pillow is a handy alternative. It’s small, easy to pack and holds your neck in a comfortable position, enabling you to sleep on long journeys.

I’m all about minimising what I carry around with me when I travel.

This item is a godsend in that regard!

If you’re looking for gift ideas for someone going travelling, the Trtl Travel Pillow is a great choice!

Luxury Sleeping Mask

A luxury sleeping mask is one of the best gifts for people who love to travel. If they’re frequent travelers or on a backpacking trip, then this simple item will come in handy.

I’ve been on plenty of long-haul flights and while some airlines give you sleeping masks not all of them do. Having a mask with you means you can block out light and get a better night’s sleep.

This is also true if you to spend a night somewhere there’s a lot of light. I’ve slept overnight in airports and at a friend’s house with poor blinds, and when I had a sleeping mask it made a massive difference to my quality of sleep.

The above sleeping mask comes with a bag to store it in and some earplugs too, which makes it an even better gift for the traveller in your life!

Concluding Thoughts

This is by no means an exhaustive list of the best gifts for travellers.

I’m sure there are many more items out there that can benefit travellers I’m yet to come across.

This list will give you some gift ideas for those close to you who are regular travellers!

Are there any items on this list that I should have included? Have you used any of those items and have anything to say about them?

Leave me a comment below, I’d love to hear your thoughts!

Best Travel Games – If you’re still looking for gift ideas, why not check out some of these games that any traveller will love?

Best Travel Laptops – A good laptop is essential if you’re on a long-term trip or a digital nomad. Check out some of the best ones here!

Meg Cale

Saturday 4th of November 2017

The travel straw is such a cool gift for folks who are adventure travelers. I need one for my trip to Peru next week!


Saturday 4th of November 2017

Ye, It's a great gift if you're adventurous. Could be potentially life-saving as well! Definitely handy to have on you!


Friday 3rd of November 2017

Love the unique items you included. The scratch off map went right on my Amazon wishlist. I love globes too and that portable laundry system is cool too. Thanks!


Friday 3rd of November 2017

Thanks Angie! The scratch-off map is a cool little one to pit on your wall. You could even frame it if you wanted too! The portable laundry is a lifesaver if you're backpacking or on a road trip!

Dana Howard Freeman

Thursday 2nd of November 2017

I just ordered the travel pillow! Love this list. Pinning for holiday shopping later.


Friday 3rd of November 2017

It's a great item Dana, much more practical than the U-shaped pillows! Thanks for pinning, hope it comes in handy later!